breatheslowly Sat 04-Feb-12 22:49:01
Please don't tell me there isn't a correct way - I need a definitive answer. I do meat, pasta, white sauce x 3 plus some cheese on the top. But I find putting the meat sauce onto the white sauce strangely disturbing.
ShineYourButtonsWithBrasso Sat 04-Feb-12 22:51:40
Meat, lasagne sheets, mince, lasagne sheets, white sauce, grated cheese and bung in the oven.
ILoveOnionRings Sat 04-Feb-12 22:52:31
I do it the same as breatheslowly
thrifty Sat 04-Feb-12 22:52:44
Meat pasta sauce pasta meat pasta sauce cheese
DontCallMeBaby Sat 04-Feb-12 22:56:07
In theory - meat, white sauce, pasta, same again twice, white sauce and a little parmesan.
In practice - meat, pasta, meat, white sauce, pasta, same again, white sauce and parmesan (because I never do quite enough white sauce and only realise when I start layering).
Hassled Sat 04-Feb-12 22:57:46
sauce at the bottom so nothing sticks to the dish. But only a smear.
So 2 x meat, 3 x pasta, 3 x sauce.
sausagerolemodel Sat 04-Feb-12 22:59:37
brain explodes
D0oinMeCleanin Sat 04-Feb-12 23:03:19
Mince, pasta, bechemal, mince, pasta, bechemal, mince, pasta, bechemal, parmesan cheese.
Cover with tin foil for the first 2/3rds of cooking time, remove tinfoil to brown cheese.
Eve Sat 04-Feb-12 23:04:41
Southern Italians put in a layer of sliced boiled egg.
fluffylegs Sat 04-Feb-12 23:09:54
I never have enough white sauce.
With 500 g mince I reckon you need a pint and a half of sauce but I always make about a pint. I usually forget how much flour to use for the white sauce / bechamel too - I interchange between flour and corn flour.
I always forget what order it should be done ( even if I'm reading the packet)
I usually forget the basil too.
IMO Italian lasagne stands up on its own and the bechamel is much thicker. Uk lasagne is sloppier.
SleepyFergus Sat 04-Feb-12 23:14:00
I do
meat, pasta, white sauce, cheese,
meat, pasta, white sauce, cheese
And so on til I run out of meat. Always finish with cheese. That's how my mum does it and I just copied her!
bananarama05 Sat 04-Feb-12 23:17:39
I use cottage cheese mixed with an egg instead of bechamel.
As does my mum, who was instructed to do so by "a real Italian lady she worked with" when learning to cook....allegedly anyway, but then it was the 70's so who knows!
justonemorethread Sat 04-Feb-12 23:18:01
I think I'm going to have strange lasagne/bechamel/snow dreams tonight.
BaronessBomburst Sat 04-Feb-12 23:18:19
Dab of tomato/mince to prevent pasta sticking (bit like Hassled --and proper Italians--), then pasta, mince, pasta, mince, pasta, bechamel sauce, cheese.
breatheslowly Sat 04-Feb-12 23:25:40
I add cheese to the white sauce. Is that correct or should it be plain? Can you really just sprinkle it on between layers?
breatheslowly Sat 04-Feb-12 23:46:34
The woman in the link may be Italian, but that last layer looks a lot like sick.
all photos by Laure Genillard Gallery, Photographer: Plastiques Photography Limited